Overview of the Legislative Program 

The Legislative Records Program’s mission is to identify, collect, preserve, and provide public access to records that document California’s legislative history.  We collect records in all formats from legislative committees, individual legislators, legislative caucuses, and other legislative offices.

The purpose of this webpage is to provide information to the California Legislature about records transfers to the California State Archives.  If you are a researcher interested in legislative history or intent, please contact our Reference Desk for assistance.

How Can We Transfer Records to the Archives? 

Please consult the Legislative Records Transfer Guide.  It contains information on what types of records we collect, as well as how to prepare and transfer records in all formats (paper, electronic, etc.). If you have any questions about the transfer process or need help filling out the transfer form, please contact the Legislative Records Archivist, Fiona DuBrock, via the program mailbox at LegRecords@sos.ca.gov

Materials and Training Resources

Contact Information
